The Irish Society of Interventional Radiology Virtual Winter Meeting 2020

Founded in 1996

The Irish Society of Interventional Radiology Virtual Winter Meeting 2020

Saturday 14th of November

On line Registration Opens

Welcome Address
Dr. Colin Cantwell- President ISIR

10:30 – 11:00
Guest Lecture
Impact of Covid-19 on IR service provision
Dr. Mohammed Hassan – Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

11:00 – 11:20
Coffee Break

Case Presentations & Complications in Interventional Radiology

Close of Meeting


Registration for the meeting and/or dinner will by direct email to the ISIR secretary [email protected]

Registration is free to members of the society in good standing , please see recent email correspondance from the ISIR treasurer.

CME Points
CME Points will awarded by The Faculty of Radiologists, RCSI.
Day 1: 3.75 credits