Spring Meeting 2023

The Irish Society Of Interventional Radiology Spring Meeting 2023
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th of March 2023
The Albert Theatre,
The Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland,
St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin, Ireland
Friday the 24th of March 2023
The Professor Michael J Lee Medal 2023
The ISIR Junior Clinical Case Presentation
The ISIR Spring Lecture 2023, Professor John Kachura, Toronto General Hospital
The ISIR Spring Meeting Dinner 2023
Peploe’s , St Stephens Green
Saturday the 25th of March 2023
Clinical Cases & Complications I
Tea & Coffee
Clinical Cases & Complications II
Invited Lecture
Professor John Kachura, Toronto General Hospital
Registration for the meeting and/or dinner will be by direct email to the current ISIR secretary. Email: [email protected]
CME Points
CME Points will be awarded by The Faculty of Radiologists, RCSI. (Pending approval)
Day 1: 3 credits
Day 2: 3.75 credits
The ISIR Dinner
Delegates attending the meeting must also register for the dinner on Friday March 24th. Dinner will be held in Peploe’s restaurant on St Stephens Green, convenient to RCSI. Numbers are strictly limited.
Please indicate if a partner will also be attending.