The Irish Society of Interventional Radiology Autumn Meeting 2019
Founded in 1996
The Irish Society of Interventional Radiology
Autumn Meeting 2019
Herbert Park Hotel, Dublin, Ireland
Friday 8th of November 2019
Welcome Tea/Coffee
17:00 – 19:00
Didactic Session
Dr. Peter Kavanagh- The Radiology Programme and IR Endovascular simulator showcase
Dr Alan Smith – Best practice in mortality and morbidity conferences, registries and audit
19:00 – 20:00
Keynote Lecture, The history of embolization, from its inception to the present.
Dr. Karen Brown, Section Chief of Interventional Radiology, University of Utah School of Medicine, Department of Radiology & Imaging Sciences
Herbert Park Hotel
Saturday 9th of November 2019
Clinical Session
09:00 – 11:00
Herbert Suite
Case Presentations & Complications in Interventional Radiology I
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
The ISIR Annual General Meeting
11:15 – 13:00
Case Presentations & Complications in Interventional Radiology II
Close of Meeting
Registration for the meeting and/or dinner will by direct email to the ISIR secretary [email protected]
Registration is free to members of the society in good standing , please see recent email correspondence from the ISIR treasurer.
CME Points
CME Points will awarded by The Faculty of Radiologists, RCSI.
Day 1: 3 credits
Day 2: 3.75 credits
The ISIR Autumn Dinner
Delegates attending the meeting must also register for the dinner on Friday November 8th. Please indicate if a partner will also be attending.
Download the Programme in MS Word or PDF Versions